We’re in the first term of school and I know many students at Frederick High School who are in desperate need for an academic comeback! Do you need help studying? If this is something you’re struggling with, this article is perfect for you! Throughout this article there will be five study tips that will help you in school!
Take handwritten notes
Taking notes has been proven to help process and retain information in your brain better than typing notes on the computer. According to Umassd.edu, studies have shown that summarizing what you learned helps you develop a better understanding of the information that was presented to you. There’s an expression, “What goes in one ear comes out the other,” that I hear from many teachers at Frederick High School. When students start taking notes by hand more often, I believe teachers won’t have to use those expressions anymore!
Take breaks
Taking breaks in between studying is good for students to be able to process small amounts of information at a time. If you were to read two chapters of a book and take notes in the span of two hours, your brain is likely not going to be able to retain that much information. Instead, you should try studying for an hour and take 5-60 minute breaks in between. According to Health.cornell.edu, research shows that taking breaks refreshes your mind and allows your brain to be able to focus.
Surround yourself in a good environment
Surrounding yourself in a good environment that benefits your studying is important. Some people might prefer to be surrounded by a loud environment, because the chaos can actually inspire the student to think outside of the box and can help them relax when in a studying environment. This is shown in an article from UCAS. If you enjoy loud environments, going to places like a park, your friends house, etc would be great places to study. However, others may prefer a quiet environment because loud noises can cause too many distractions. This makes it hard to focus for those students and impacts them in a negative way when studying. If you find that you’re one of those people who prefer a quiet environment, a library would be a great place to study.
Learn from your mistakes
Learning from your mistakes is important because it helps you develop a better understanding of the criteria the second time around than the first. According to Indeed.com, learning from your mistakes helps expand your knowledge. You should take time to reevaluate and focus on the questions you got wrong. This way you can learn what you did wrong and correct yourself so you don’t make those mistakes again.
Eat healthy
Eating healthy is one of the most important factors when it comes to getting into good study habits. According to Options for Youth, students have higher grades, a larger memory span, and process information they learned faster when eating nutrient meals. Eating healthy also makes you energized and feel good throughout the rest of the day. A good example of a nutritious meal is proportioning your food. Having a variety of grains, fruits, vegetables, protein, and dairy is a good way of balancing your food.
Hopefully you can use this information and put it to good use when preparing for your next assessment! Then, maybe you would notice a difference in your academic performance once you start taking these tips and applying them in school!