Chips, candy, ice cream, pizza, all of these foods are loved by many. Although it’s okay to have these foods in moderation, it’s not unknown that frequently eating them can do more harm to your body than good. Unhealthy foods can lead to obesity, depression, osteoporosis, and a bunch of unwelcome illnesses. To prevent this, we can have alternatives that are just as tasty, but much healthier. Some substitute snacks and drinks that fall under this list are popcorn, frozen yogurt, nuts, and sparkling water. Throughout this article, alternatives to junk food will be discussed.
Popcorn Instead of Potato Chips
Popcorn is the ideal and perfect substitute for potato chips. This whole grain food provides fibers, aids in weight loss, and better digestion to your body. As claimed by Healthline, “Popcorn is very high in fiber, which has been linked to several health benefits such as weight loss, and a decreased risk of many diseases.” Potato chips however, as described in HealthyWomen, have an excessive amount of salt, fat, and carbohydrates. Which as a result, ends up in body inflammation, fat gain, and several types of cancer. If you ever find yourself craving some tasty popcorn, grab some SKINNYPOP to munch on.

Frozen Yogurt For Dessert, Not Ice Cream
Whenever you’re craving an after dinner dessert, have some frozen yogurt in place of ice cream. The benefits that come with this sweet treat are calcium, probiotics, and low calories. In Marque Medical’s website, “Frozen yogurt contains live and active cultures, providing probiotic benefits that support digestive health.” This is different compared to ice cream, which instead has high calories, low nutrients, and potential unhealthy additives as mentioned in Healthline. High cholesterol, stomach distress, and fatty liver disease happens because of this. One way to enjoy frozen yogurt is by grabbing a box of Yasso.

Sparkling Water Makes a Much Healthier Soda
Drinking sparkling water to quench your thirst is much better for you than soda. The advantages that come with this refreshing drink are improved swallowing, hydration, and the increased feeling of fullness. As Health puts it, “Research shows that carbonated water stimulates the oral cavity, which can improve your overall swallow function.” On the contrary, as stated in Corewell Health, soda has negatives that include excessive amounts of sugar, dehydration, and irritation from phosphoric acid. These effects end up in outcomes such as gout, type two diabetes, and heart disease. La Croix is great to buy if you ever find yourself craving sparkling water.

Healthy foods such as these are generally known as being excellent replacements to commonly consumed junk food products. With their overall better ingredients and assistance to good health, your body will feel and be better as a result. This is different compared to junk food, which tends to be heavily processed, high in fats, and low in good nutrients such as fiber and protein. For these reasons, not only are junk food replacements just as tasty, but beneficial as well.

Work Cited
“Popcorn Nutrition Facts: A Healthy, Low-Calorie Snack?” Healthline Accessed October 9 2024.
“Worst Foods For Your Stomach” HealthyWomen Accesed October 9
“SKINNYPOP Original Popped Popcorn Hersheyland” Accessed October 9 2024.
“Marque Medical” Marque Medical Accessed October 9 2024.
“Is Ice Cream Good For You? Nutrition Facts and More” Healthline Accessed October 9 2024.
“What’s Inside” Yasso Accessed October 9 2024.
“Is Sparkling Water Good or Bad for Your Health?” Health Accessed October 9 2024.
“Six Reasons to Stop Drinking Pop” Corewell Health Accessed October 9 2024.
“Flavors” La Croix Accessed October 9 2024.