Everyone has their own thoughts on which year in highschool is the best, but in reality it
all depends on which year you had the most fun or the least problems in. I had a chat with multiple people on which year they found was their favorite. The one that was said the most was Sophomore year. There were multiple reasons for this. The first, most common reason was it just simply was the “most fun” compared to Freshman year when you didn’t know about anything like hallway decorating or the pep rally games. Also, Sophomore year is before you have to take crazy tests and pay more attention to stuff you need to do for college. Marleigh Nelson a sophomore at Frederick High school and said, “That sophomore year eats and that she loves the energy and that she can treat the freshman like babies,” and that is why she likes sophomore year the best so far. From personal experience I did in fact love sophomore year, it was less stressful, and I knew more about highschool than I did freshman year.
I did find out that Freshman year was the most hated year, along with Junior year. Junior year is when you have to start paying more attention to your SAT scores, and the stress of thinking about college starts to rise. But then again, Junior year is only one year away from Senior year, so some people tend to cherish it more. Now when it comes to Senior year, this is the final year. This is the year people have been waiting for. Senior year is when you get prom, Senior Sunrise, graduation and dressing up for halloween, so senior year is also great. There’s a battle, I would say, between Senior year and Sophomore year, so it’s hard to say which one is the best. It all depends on you and what your experiences were.