Once you enter high school a major topic of discussion is getting a job. You get your license and you suddenly realize that gas is expensive, or it costs a lot to go out to eat every day. So you decide it’s time to get a job. But, how do you start?
I spoke with Mrs. Scott, an English teacher here at Frederick High, about her first job. I also asked Giselle Taracena and Theron Correia, two Frederick High seniors, about their experience.
Mrs. Scott’s first job was at the sandwich shop, Quiznos. She chose it because her friends worked there and it was close to her. Theron and Giselle also both chose their jobs based on distance. Theron was a car wash attendant and Giselle worked at Warehouse Cinemas. When asked how it was to balance work and school, Mrs. Scott and Giselle agreed that it takes time to get used to, and you need to go into the job organized and ready to handle these things. Theron said his work and school balance was easier since his job was a summer job.
I asked all of them what advice they would give someone looking to get their first job and how they got their first job. Most of them said that the job was simply what business they saw that was hiring, or their friends worked there. In terms of advice, Mrs. Scott said, “Know your strengths and your weaknesses. Look for a job that would really suit you, don’t just settle. Make a plan to balance work and school.” Giselle and Theron answered this question similarly by saying that you need to be professional and do things even if you don’t like them.
Considering all of their individual experiences, getting a job while still in high school is not easy. If you are worried about being successful in school while working, your best option is to get a summer job, or find a job that has flexible hours so you can still get your work done. While it is important to not settle for a job that you don’t like, you aren’t going to love every part of your job, and it is important to stay professional and follow through with your commitments.